Hidden Gems of Trick-or-Treating

The practice of joke-telling on Halloween

The crisp leaves, the sharpness in the air and telling jokes in order to get candy. Trick-or-treating can bring back a lot of memories. Many people that are from the Midwest may not know that telling jokes for candy originated from St. Louis.

“It dates back to Irish culture in St. Louis,” according to ksdk.com, “During one festival in Ireland, people would dress up so no one could recognize them and go to houses asking for something to keep an evil entity away. To get it, you had to recite a poem or tell a joke. You would get a gift for your talents, then you’d give it to the entity to keep them away.”

This year when helping pass out candy or taking a sibling trick-or-treating, embrace joke-telling.

“Telling jokes on Halloween is fun because most people that hand out candy want you to tell them a joke,” junior Hannah Raymer said, “The candy is like a reward to just simply telling a funny joke.”

Common Jokes to tell:

How do you make a tissue dance?
Put a boogie in it
What is a ghost’s favorite dessert?
Why didn’t the skeleton dance at the party?
He had nobody to dance with
Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?
He didn’t have any guts