Closet Cleanse

Keeping clothes organized

A clean closet can create a clean mindset. If stress is looming around every corner, decluttering the space around can positively impact one’s mood and motivation, according to One spot where clutter tends to pile up, literally, is the bedroom closet. Taking some time to make it functional can be a breath of fresh air for those who need an easy anxiety aid.

Not only does a clean living area decrease stress, it can also make mornings and nights easier. By knowing where everything is placed, one does not have to worry about losing important items when they need them most.

“I organize my closet, so I can pick my clothes out quicker and have a clean space to work out my outfits,” senior Kayleigh Leahy said.

Clothing can be organized in many different ways, whether it be by type, color, fabric, or anything in between, finding the right fit for the space is crucial.

“[I organize my closet] by tank tops, short sleeves, long sleeves, and hoodies, then I try to color code them,” junior Kate Fairchild said.

Another thing to consider is having similar styles of clothes near each other, so one is able to see what pieces they have to work with to create the desired look.

“I have a walk-in closet, so usually I have my dresses and fancier clothes on the top racks,” sophomore Bryelle Hartmann said. “And then on the bottom rack, I have my jeans and leggings and t-shirts hanging up.”

While clothing is the main component of everyone’s closet, accessory organization is just as important. The little things can make a big difference as well.

“I keep my shoes on a shelf in my closet and in bins under my bed as well. I try to group them by type of shoe, so it’s easier to pair them with my outfits,” Leahy said. “I hang my necklaces on hooks and put my earrings on a holder that hangs on the back of my bathroom door.”