Concert How-To


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Ariana Cabrales-Ramos, Style Editor

Whether attending a concert for the first or ninth time, there are some key details to remember when going to a concert that could make the experience more enjoyable and seamless.

Water is essential to have at any concert. Becoming dehydrated, especially during the summer, is a common mistake and can lead to getting a massive headache or even passing out. It is important to also remember to pack snacks to eat if desired. Waiting to see a favorite artist finally go on stage can make people prone to spend copious amounts of time on a phone to avoid boredom. This could leave a small amount or no battery power at all to take shots of the actual concert. Portable chargers can be a lifesaver in moments like this.

“I always make sure to bring a portable charger or food if the venue allows it,” junior Micayla Shy said. “Nobody wants to pay $7 for a bottle of water. I also always remember to bring money in case I decide to buy merch after the concert.”

Mints, deodorant or chapstick are not exactly necessary, but can help freshen up a bit and be ready for the concert. If they fit, pack them in a bag as they can come in handy throughout the night after being in such close proximity with other people or dancing super hard.

Lastly, make sure to always check that the concert ticket is on hand. It can be extremely stressful forgetting a ticket at home, especially if the venue is far away. Double-check, triple check, and maybe even quadruple check that it is somewhere secure and ready to hand to the guard.

“I think the most important thing to remember is to not be afraid to get really into the music and just jump around and scream,” Shy said. “Go crazy and don’t just stand there, it’s the moment when you can without judgment because everyone else is too.”