Winter Road Safety

As the weather continues to get colder, it is more likely for the roads to be covered in snow or ice, and it is important to take the right precaution.

Snow and ice can build up on the road and can lead to cars sliding off the road.

Tribune News Service/Karl Merton Ferron

Snow and ice can build up on the road and can lead to cars sliding off the road.

Winter is a magical time of year, the season brings hot chocolate, snow and holidays. However, the weather can cause catastrophe for drivers. More than 116 thousand injuries and 1,300 deaths in America are caused by ice, snow and sleet build up on the pavement, according to

“I always drive smarter [in the winter],” senior Joey Miller said. “I always braked before I thought I should so I [won’t go] sliding.”

Safe driving is making sure that the health of the driver and others around them are ensured. Driving safe is not the only way drivers can maintain their security. People have found ways to protect themselves before they even start their vehicle.

“I make sure my car is fully defrosted and ice scraped off before I start driving,” Spanish teacher Shayla Hanneke said.

Being well rested, using a seat belt and checking to see if the exhaust pipe is blocked are a few ways a person can prevent themselves from serious injury, according to The best way to ensure a secure trip is to not be in a hurry as that could lead to accidents or injury.