Ryan Staples
Whether he is running in a meet, captivating an audience or hanging out with friends, senior Ryan Staples has made his impact on the people around him. Staples encourages his teammates to step out of their comfort zones and participate during events.
“My favorite memory is going to the Clayton track meet junior year,” senior Lexi Cecil said. “He was so supportive as always and just stuck together with our other hurdlers.”
Captain of cross-country and track are a few of the many activities Staples is known for, and he has created a family bond with his teammates and coaches. It is safe to say Staples has left a lasting impact on his coach and team.
“Ryan has made coaching easy because of his leadership skills,” coach John Cunningham said. “I know I don’t have to worry about the guys he is working with doing the things they are supposed to do because he acts as a coach in my absence.”
Running track for four years leaves no surprise that Staples has impacted younger teammates.
“Ryan is respectful because he is very understandable and treats you with respect.” said junior Kobe Bartlett. “I looked up to and has helped me become more mature, smart and respectful.”
Not only does Staples take part in sports but he also participates in school programs such as Black History Celebration and Leader in Me. Staples is the President of Cultures in Action and has received three Positive Peer Influence awards.
“Ryan participated in our first [Black History Month] program as a freshman and read a poem,” teacher Adriana Meder said. “I am so proud of Ryan. He is a genuine leader, he should be proud of his roots, culture and his family.”