A Mad Woman with a Box

The 11th season of Doctor Who is staring a female doctor for the first time.

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Summer Vaughn

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Jodie Whittaker has become the first female doctor.

A madman with a box, actually, no there is a mad woman with a box. After 55 years, the cult classic “Doctor Who” has passed the sonic screwdriver to a woman. Jodie Whittaker has taken on the role and the pressure that the first woman doctor was destined to have.

“The female doctor has already split the fandom,” senior Josie Setzer said. “I think a few people will become supporters of the female doctor once they watch the show and see her in a few episodes. There are people who will never watch the show again because she’s female, but whatever, they will be missing out.”

Whittaker has the chance to change the show by being completely different than any other Doctor. Her episodes will not be written by Steven Moffat. He has become famous for writing the most heartbreaking and terrifying episodes such as “Blink” and “Silence in the Library,” according to syfy.com. Moffat passed the pen to Chris Chibnall as lead writer and is thrilled to have him pick up where he left off, according to digitalspy.com.

“I definitely think this season is going to be way different,” Setzer said. “Not only did they switch the gender of the doctor they also got new writers for the show as well. I think there is going to be a lot of good changes during this season.”

Whittaker’s doctor at the moment is completely unpredictable. It is a possibility she might experience the same thing as Peter Capaldi, the 12th Doctor, who was not always a favorite. The switch between the goofy and young Matt Smith and David Tennant to the sternness of Capaldi was hard for the audience to adapt to. Many, however, do not want Whittaker to create a never-before-seen doctor but stick to the recognizable beloved personality.

“It’s cool to see a female doctor only because it’s new, not just because she’s a woman,” junior Gwendolyn Welsh said. “I’d be just as excited to see a black doctor or the fabled red-headed doctor. I don’t really care as long as it’s still the doctor we know and love. It doesn’t matter if she’s a man, woman, tall, short, red-haired, blonde haired, grey-haired, old, young, whatever. I think it matters what they bring to the show and what sort of personality they breathe into the character.”