Keeping in Order
Tips to stay organized in school
A row of folders for students to stay organized.
The average student spends about 17 hours a week preparing for school, including completing homework, studying and etc., according to As the school year continues and the workload increases, some students may wonder how to keep track and stay organized with their assignments.
Create a routine
Creating a routine can allow for a more consistent daily or weekly schedule. Having a calendar or planner to write down time blocks for homework, activities and breaks can help a student focus on the specific task at hand. While having a routine can be good, if a problem or last-minute task comes up and messes up the routine, do not be too stressed about strictly sticking to it and adjust accordingly, all according to
Varying Supplies
Having a notebook and different colored folders for each class allows for assignments to be organized and easier to find, according to It may also be beneficial to color code or label these folders and notebooks, as it can easily distinguish what goes where. For example, one could use a yellow folder for English and a blue folder for history. Adding labels can create designated places for items, such as previous assignments being on the left side of a folder and new assignments on the right side, according to
Break down tasks
Breaking down bigger tasks into smaller ones can make them seem less stressful and easier to manage. This can also help with knowing exactly what to do next and can lead to less procrastination, according to It is also important not to multitask. Multitasking may seem helpful to some at the moment, but it can end up taking more time to complete an assignment. It may be useful to write down what the current task is at hand and make it visible in the area that is being worked on to be a reminder of what specific assignment should be done before moving on, according to
Develop plans for exams
When creating a plan for exams, it is important for it to be structured. This can include writing down resources, how many practice questions to do, how many times to review notes or study guides, what study tips a student will use and more. It may be beneficial to write down the steps of this plan and a rough time block to complete it. While creating this plan, it should also be decided what environment a student should study in, such as an area that avoids distractions and being prepared with the necessary materials, all according to