The Clown Epidemic

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October 13, 2016
From jokes and giggles to serious concern, the clown epidemic is taking over the nation. According to, there have been multiple reports of creepy clown sightings across the United States, and in a few cases violent threats. There have been social media posts from alleged “clowns” targeting Missouri schools, threatening to put students and teachers in danger. On Sunday October 2, the Hazelwood school district acknowledged the threats via Facebook. They assured parents that they would increase security, according to The Parkway school district also emailed parents recognizing other schools were in danger and that they would boost safety for precaution. However, the district was not aware of the particular threats directed towards Parkway schools. Despite the mania, nothing has actually happened yet. This persuades some to think this upbringing of people walking around in scary clown masks is harmless or simply just a hoax. Whether they are real or not, Missourians are taking extra precaution just to be safe.