Custodial Stories
Get to know the custodial staff

Custodian Sylvia Moore wipes down the tables after the last lunch. Before working here, Moore had a different job where she discovered her love for a future career. “I’m going to start taking classes to be a dietitian, probably in the next year,” Moore said. “I used to work at a nursing home in the kitchen, and every time the dietitian came in, I was right on her heels. I was watching her, and that’s just something I’d love to do.”

Putting away the trays, custodian Luke Aston makes his rounds around the cafeteria. Aston has played board games for years during his free time. “I play Dungeons and Dragons, and I’m not playing the newer version, I’m playing the old school version,” Aston said.

During lunchtime, custodian Martin Kreutzbender wipes down the tables while the students eat. Before becoming one of the newest custodians, he was diagnosed with cancer, which prevented him from continuing his job. “I had chemo, and that caused me to have neuropathy in which your fingers, hands and feet are numb,” Kreutzbender said. “I couldn’t go back to my job at the factory, so I decided that I needed something easy to do where I wouldn’t be in danger of dropping anything.”