Surviving Senior Year: Guidelines for the next chapter in life

Students have long daydreamed about walking across the stage, receiving their diploma and being able to turn their tassel towards their future and freedom. Senior year of high school is one that people look forward to their entire school career. It is a time filled with applying to colleges and taking advantage of your last year in high school with lifelong friends. However, these freshly graduated alumni have some words of advice for the class of 2018.


Choose friends wisely.  Real friends are hard to find, but they are worth the effort. Making new friends is not always simple, but in reality, your friend group will change throughout high school. You will learn who your true friends are and understand that things work out how they’re supposed to, even if it does not seem like it at the time.

“It goes by in a blink, make new friends, keep old ones, and remember you may not go where you intend but you will end where you need to be,” alumni Kayla Taylor said.

Just because you have a set friend group does not mean you are obligated to always hang out

“Branch out and talk to people who you initially wouldn’t think to be friends with,” alumni Lily Tollison said. “ I also advise to make amends with past friends, holding a grudge is lame. It’s better to leave things on good terms.


Prepare for college. For many, college is the next step towards adulthood. It is ideal to apply to plenty of colleges, even if you only have the slightest interest in them. You should also consider applying to college as early as you can. Another suggestion is to view the benefits of each college because many schools offer financial aid.

“Figure out what colleges you are going to apply to by the end of summer, also have at least two to three schools that you are confident you can get plenty of financial aid from,” said alumni Amanda Guyre.


Avoid procrastination. Do not fall into the trap of senioritis. This is the affliction of students in their final year of high school characterized by a decline in motivation. College admissions look at each year of your high school career, from the first day of your freshman year, to the moment you receive your diploma. Creating good study habits, learning time management, and avoiding procrastination now will continue to benefit you throughout the rest of your schooling.

As bad as senioritis gets, keep pushing and don’t let your grades slip during your last semester because it will help you keep your momentum going freshman year of college so things don’t feel as overwhelming” alumni Hailey Edelen said.


Make a difference and be active.  Make it a point to attend games, dances, and plays. These are events to enjoy and to cherish. Take in each event and every moment.

Your time in high school will work to shape you as a person, so participate in activities to make it count. Volunteer work and leadership roles serve to be rewarding, and a lot can be learned from it.

“I challenge people to take risks and leadership positions because this is their last year to get involved before we become adults” alumni Will Miller said.


Before you know it, you will be wondering where the time went as you stare at the graduation gown in your closet, preparing to walk the stage toward a new and unfamiliar beginning. This is the last year before you and your classmates go your separate ways in life. Make the most out of your final high school experience.