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The student publication of Fort Zumwalt West High School

The Solitaire

The student publication of Fort Zumwalt West High School

The Solitaire

The student publication of Fort Zumwalt West High School

The Solitaire


Our Policy

The Solitaire is the product of the newspaper class and is produced to serve the community for Fort Zumwalt West High. The student editorial board makes all content decisions, but district administration reserves the right to review all issues prior to publication.

All facts will be double checked for accuracy and names will be verified via school records. The students will strive to produce a publication based upon professional standards of objectivity and will not use any of the nine recognized categories of speech that are not protected by the First Amendment.

Opinion articles reflect only the view of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Solitaire, the faculty, the administration, or the Board of Education.

All letters to the editors must be signed when submitted to the staff. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all letters for length and may refuse to print letters if it sees fit. Letters to the editor must be submitted to room or electronically at