Expectations vs. Reality: High School Edition

Was the high school experience for the class of 2020 really what they expected?

Girls group attending the Senior Night Blues game.

provided by Emmi Stoehner

Girls group attending the Senior Night Blue’s game.

Being in high school is an experience many kids look forward to. High school is a fun experience, but the students will not break out in song like the movies. The expectations some students have about high school can be very different from what is the reality, but to others, they are very similar.

“Honestly, I didn’t really have a big expectation when I was going to high school,” senior Mia Houston said. “It’s been more than I ever could’ve imagined. I’ve met some truly amazing people, and made some crazy memories I will never forget.”

Seniors had goals that they wanted to accomplish during high school and knew that there would be lots of new opportunities coming into a new journey.

“I honestly had no clue what to expect because my siblings are way older, so I didn’t get to see them experience it,” senior Kaley Lillard said. “I knew going in that I wanted to be involved in a lot of activities and I wanted to make new friends.”

Some seniors had mentors that helped them through high school and showed them the truth about high school, whether they believed it or not.

“Everyone told me it would go by so fast,” senior Megan Mattson said. “I didn’t believe anyone, but now I’m a senior and it feels like high school went by in the blink of an eye.”

Some seniors had low expectations for high school, and their expectations turned out to be completely different than what they expected.

“My expectations going into high school were that it was going to be a tough four years and I was not sure what to look forward to,” senior Logan Campbell said. “But it turned out to be some of the best four years of my life.”